It is mere weeks from the official start of summer and we are enjoying every day of sunshine!
This is the last post of the 2013-14 academic year, and the last post with Co-Chairs Tori McMillan and Amber Shilling. At the May AARN meeting, new Co-Chairs were elected: Congratulations to Tisha Bromley-Wadsworth who will be joining Tori as a new Co-Chair for the 2014-15 academic year.
We would like to again acknowledge the dedication of our predecessor Freda Cardinal, who left a strong legacy for us to work with. The AARN membership has provided great support to us throughout the year and we appreciate the participation and contributions of all members.
Some of the upcoming goals for AARN in 2014-15 include; province-wide distribution of institutional updates, collaborative travel planning with ELAA, continued advocacy for attendance at high-profile Aboriginal youth events, and ongoing promotion of Aboriginal support services at post-secondary institutions in Alberta (and a few in Saskatchewan). If you are interested in receiving one of the USB's with institutional information, please email: with your request.
It is a great time to get involved in Aboriginal events as June 21 not only marks the start of summer, but is National Aboriginal Day. In Calgary (where we are both located), there are a great number of events promoting Aboriginal culture and there are many other events across the country. There will also be National Aboriginal Day Live telecast through APTN
It has been a pleasure working with all of you, and it is with a smile in my heart that I leave AARN in the capable hands of Tori and Tisha.
Have a wonderful summer everyone and we look forward to connecting with you again this fall!
Yours in Education,
Amber and Tori